Do you have a specific time in your schedule dedicated to independent reading? Are you looking for ideas to help spice up independent reading time?
I don't know about you, but this is one of my favorite parts of our day. My students find a spot anywhere in the classroom to cozy up and enjoy a pleasure reading book. I have students laying on the floor, sitting in comfy rolling chairs, or tucked underneath tables. The big classroom lights are off and the only light in the room is the natural sunlight radiating through our 2 HUGE windows along with 2 reading lamps. It is such a wonderful time of the day and provides students with the opportunity to get out of their seats and simply enjoy a great book. If you do not have this time built into your schedule, I hope there is a way you can find spot to fit this in. There is so much value in providing students with time throughout the school day for independent reading. Independent reading allows students to have choice and also allows them to tap into interests, passions, or hobbies that they may have outside of school. With all of the school and state demands thrown our way this can be very hard to do. However, the pros pay off and you will find that even your reluctant readers will enjoy this time. My only rule during this 10 minutes is that my students are reading school appropriate books that are within their zone of proximal development. I create book marks for my students at the beginning of the year that provide them with a range of levels that would be "just right" books for them. As we take our district tests I update their bookmarks with the current levels. This is also valuable for students to see their progress and challenge themselves with higher leveled texts as the year progresses. Find a copy of my bookmarks here. Just add student names, levels, and laminate!
Over the past couple of weeks I couldn't help but feel like something was missing during our independent reading time. Everyone was reading and it was SO quiet, but I was looking for something to make our room even cozier during this time. This week brought bitter cold days and my students have had indoor recess, so we've been itching to get outside. Then it hit me! If it is cold and snowy outside then I was determined to bring the heat and sun inside. During independent reading time today I displayed a video of a palm tree with waves crashing in the background. It was the missing piece. Students have always loved this time of our day, but the smiles and joy that transpired today made my heart happy!
Determined, I started brainstorming ideas on other options and displays I can utilize during this time. Fireplaces, waterfalls, rain, snow, beaches... the possibilities are endless! Below are a few You Tube links of my favorite displays I have recently used!
I hope these help to bring even more smiles to reading in your classroom! Enjoy!
~ Stefanie
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