Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Thank You Vases

As a teacher, it is important to show appreciation and thanks to any volunteers that help out in your classroom.  In my classroom, I also like to thank paras that helped out as well.  Sometimes, it can be expensive to include everyone, but I found the idea for these vases on  These couldn't be easier or more affordable! 
Glass Paint (about $2.00 each at Walmart)
Sharpie Paint Pen (about $4.00 at Walmart)
Glass Vases (about $2.00-$3.00 each at Walmart)
1. Put a small squirt of each paint color in a little dish or on a plate.
2. Have the kids dip their finger or thumb into the paint and make a print on the vase.
3. Write the child's name below their print.
4. Once all the prints have dried decorate them with the paint pen (older kids can decorate themselves). 

Lady Bugs and Bees
 Crabs and Sea Turtles

The best part of this project is that after the initial purchase of the paints, they can be used year after year because you only use a little bit of paint.  The kids love the way they come out and the volunteers love to have the momento from the classroom.  If you have a larger budget, you can even fill the vases with flowers.

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